Speak/Sing Native™ is an original, multidisciplinary concept in K-12 music education for the general student that aligns with Oregon state standards and complements the Oregon Department of Education’s Tribal History/Shared History initiative. Our mission is to improve access to culturally relevant music education for K-12 students in Jim Pepper’s name and reflecting the educational legacy of his mother, Floy C. Pepper. In the absence of culturally relevant music curriculum, it is our mission to create and deliver one, which we have named Speak/Sing Native™.

Speak/Sing NativeTM launch date for professional development is Fall 2024.

Speak/Sing NativeTM launch date for professional development is Fall 2024.
Our Sponsors
Speak/Sing NativeTM launch date for professional development is January 2024. curriculum development and this e-learning system are made possible with generous support from the Spirit Mountain Community Fund, the Collins Foundation, the Oregon Community Foundation, Potlatch Fund, Seeding Justice, Oregon Humanities SHARP grant, and the City of Portland Office of Community and Civic Life Social Equity and Educational Development (SEED) grant.